Photographic Memories of Enewetak from TSgt. David B. Drachlis & TSgt. Herman J. Kokojan
On May 3rd 2023, Dave Drachlis visited Frank Bolton in Mobile Alabama and gave Bolton a thumb-driver with photographs Herman Kokojan took while on an Airman Magazine documentary article visit during the 1977-1980 Enewetak Atoll Radiological Cleanup Mission. The article was published July 1978.
Soon after Dave Drachlis found the photographs Kokojan took in a storage box, he started sharing them in the Enewetak Atoll Clean Up Project Vets Facebook Group.
The following photographs and comments are from both of those sources.
Some of the photographs belong to Herman Kokojan and some belong to Dave Drachlis.
Much appreciation goes to both of these fine gentlemen for giving us permission to share so you can view this bit of United States and dri-Enewetak History!
Dave Drachlis
April 20
As a TSgt. in the Air Force, in late 1977, I was privileged to spend a short time on Enewetak with some of you. You are heroes. I saw the work you were doing. You sacrificed so much to perform what I believed to be a worthy humanitarian mission to recover a lost paradise and return a people, who our country displaced, to their homeland. You deserve to have been treated better. My heart is with you. As a member of the staff of AIRMAN Magazine, TSgt. Herman Kokojan and I were assigned to spend time on the atoll alongside many of you in an effort to draw attention the work you were doing. We were aware working on Enewetak had risk but had no idea just how dangerous it was. Although we were only there briefly, Herm and I spent several days in the sun, sand, and dust, “crawling” all over the atoll’s northern islands (Runit, Lojwa, Enjebi, and others) with some of you. I have no idea if we were exposed to any radiation, but Herm died of cancer in 1993. I have long experienced pulmonary issues and more recently cancer (of a non-qualifying type). Fortunately, I have access good medical care. I recently moved, and just came across a box of slides Herm shot during our time there. You may have better ones; but I plan to digitize these and will gladly share them with you if you like. My only request is if you publish or display any of them publicly you credit Herm. I wish you a good [2023 Memorial Day] reunion and wish I could be there.
Dave Drachlis
April 21
Here are the first few of the photos shot by TSgt. Herman Kokojan while we were on the Atoll in November 1977. I believe at least two of them were shot on Enjebi of a Navy EOD team and one is of a med tech on Enewetak. I am afraid they have not fared well after 40 years of moves and attic storage. Neither has my memory of specifics.

Dave Drachlis
April 23
Comm Center on Enewetak Island: The link to the outside world.

Dave Drachlis
April 23
Welcome to Runit. Here are a few that Herm shot on Runit.

Dave Drachlis
April 25
“THE BEST PART OF AN ASSIGNMENT HERE IS GOING HOME” (A quote from Air Force TSgt. Dana B. Hutchens, Nov. 1977)

Dave Drachlis
April 26
Snorkeling the quarry on Enewetak Island.

Dave Drachlis
April 27
Sail Enewetak Atoll

Dave Drachlis
April 25
A few November ’77 photos of the rusting & crumbling remnants of the fabrication facilities on Median (AKA Perry) Island where scientists and technicians worked on the more than 40 nuclear devices detonated on Enewetak Atoll. Notice the 1950s Oasis Dixie cup. That paper cup had been sitting in that bookcase a long time when we came across it. The photographer was TSgt. Herman Kokojan.

Dave Drachlis
April 27 at 5:23 PM
A few of Herm’s photos on Enjebi, including a shot of Enjebi he took from the flight deck of our departing C-141 (which also shows the Seminole crater on Boken).

Dave Drachlis
April 29 at 11:34 AM
A few more of TSgt. Kokojan’s Nov. ’77 Runit images.

Dave Drachlis
April 29, 2023
And a few more of Herms pix from Runit including debris, air sniffer, and a couple he shot of Runit from the flight deck during our departure.

Dave DrachlisApril 29 at 5:24 PM
Nov. 1977 Runit decontamination setup and demonstration-only pix. Twenty minutes in the banana was enough for me and I didn’t have to do any work.

Dave Drachlis
April 30 at 8:21 AM
Was fascinated by the eerie sight of the wreckage of the Nickajack Trail when passing on our way north.
Dave Drachlis
May 2 at 5:50 PM
A few of Herm’s shots from Japtan visit, including one of Johannes Peter, Chief of the dri Enewetak. And a departure shot from our 141.

Dave Drachlis
May 3 at 1:20 PM
Some photos inside the lab on Enewetak Island. Photos by TSgt. Herman Kokojan Nov. ’77. Does anyone recognize any of these guys?

Dave DrachlisMay 4 at 9:17 AM
A few of Herm’s miscellaneous people pix. Do you recognize any of them?
- Travis Higginbotham replied:
I remember Col Mixan. He went to Lowja during a USO show.

Dave Drachlis
May 4 at 3:03 PM
Lojwa Nov. ’77.
Dave Drachlis
May 5 at 4:45 PM
A few more of Herm’s debris shots. Mostly on Runit I think.

Dave Drachlis
May 11 at 3:08 PM
WWII Tank in the lagoon just off the beach at Medren, Nov. ’77

Dave Drachlis
May 17 at 9:45 AM
Enewetak Island in Nov. ’77.
Dave Drachlis
May 17 at 5:29 PM
Does anyone know any of guys in thee photos? Photos were taken in Nov. ’77.
- Stephen Blanchat replied:
Denver P. Wells, MSgt, USAF
Bobby G. Baird, SMSgt, USAF
Harold A. Rumzek, Maj, USAF
Dave, hope this helps. - Joe Szwerluga replied:
I’m pretty sure I’m doing the monitoring, this must have been just about the end of our tour. I think the TSgt is Stiles, this has to be a photo op because I had shaved my “illegal’ mustache off and truthfully I don’t remember it being taken. - Joe Szwerluga replied to Stephen Blanchat: Steve its funny you remembered these senior NCO’s because I couldn’t remember their names. Do you remember “Hutch” he was a Tech, and he went out quite a bit when I first got there. He actually trained me because I didn’t get any training before I arrived. I replaced John Ward because he returned to the states on emergency, he was only there about 2 weeks. I got to meet him a few years later in Turkey, then again at the Kennedy Space Center as a civilian. He was an instructor there. I remembered Major Rumzek.
- Dave Drachlis (Author) replied to Stephen Blanchat: Thanks Stephen, Was hoping these guys were still around so I could get them the pix.

Dave Drachlis
May 18 at 3:33 PM
“Taxi” service to the northern northern islands.

Dave Drachlis
May 18 at 4:06 PM
I think I have about reached the end of my collection of Herm’s Nov ’77 photos. Here are a few miscellaneous shots. Nothing special.

Dave Drachlis
May 18 at 4:38 PM
I have tried to avoid posting too many photos that included me, but I had to post this one with Johannes Peter, Chief of the dri Enewetak. It was an honor to meet him. Attempting to right a wrong done by our nation to him and his people is why we — you — were there. Now it is well past time for our nation to to get serious about wright a wrong — intentional or not — done to you.
Dave Drachlis
May 26, 2023
Lojwa Animals – Would that be the bridge between Lojwa and Bijire in the background?
- Dan Mace replied:
The Island next to Lojwa. - Gary Pulis replied:
The only causeway I remember was between Lojwa and Bijire. - Buedrow Budoy replied to Gary Pulis:
I recall the one between Bijire and Lojwa… also (lol) the big shark.
Dave Drachlis
May 26, 2023
Fellow Air Force Enewetak Atoll Cleanup Vet, Joseph Quimby stopped enroute to the Memorial Day Reunion. Had a great time sharing a meal and reminiscing about our time on the Atoll. I hate that I can’t be there. Have a great reunion all. — with Joseph Quimby.
Dave Drachlis
May 29, 2023
Atomic Veterans Service Recognition Program
The Atomic Veterans Commemorative Service Medal and the Atomic Veteran’s Service Certificate recognizes that the service and sacrifice of Atomic Veterans directly contributed to our freedom and prosperity after World War II, and was pivotal to our Nation’s defense during the Cold War. Veterans eligible for the medal are those who, while performing official military duties during the period of July 1, 1945, to October 1, 1992:
- Directly participated in the detonation of an atomic weapon or device
- Directly participated in the cleanup of radioactive material resulting from any such atmospheric detonation;
- Directly participated in the cleanup of radioactive material resulting from an accident associated with an atomic weapon; or
- Were exposed to ionizing radiation resulting from the operational use of atomic weapons during World War II.
Eligible veterans and the next-of-kin (NOK) of deceased eligible veterans may now apply for the medal. Please note that the veteran or NOK can only be issued one medal, multiple NOK cannot each be issued a medal.
How can I apply for the metal? We were also supposed to be awarded the humanitarian service metal which i never received!
Thank you so much for posting these pictures. I was in Enewetak from 11/77-5/78 and the pics of Runit and Lojwa brought back a lot great memories.
Great pic’s, Dave! Glad I got to see u!
I was a Maggie Boat operator on Lojwa from 10/’78 to 4/’79. I am in one of the above photos. I recently attended the reunion at Carlos Vela’s home in Georgia.
My great uncle was an original Atomic Veteran who was witness to Operation Castle and shot Bravo but his wife, siblings and only child are all dead. Can my mother (his niece) apply for the Atomic Veterans Service Medal on his behalf even if not immediate next of kin?
If the Atomic Veteran Medal has not been awarded for your great uncle’s award, then you can use the link to apply for it.
Thank you. I have told my mother to send an application because she has all of my great uncle’s military documentation.
I have many slides an a Super 8 film I took while in Enewetak serving with B co. 84 Eng.
Advance party may 1977 contact me at 315-552-4075 SFC Greg Fregoeg
good work