Carl Fleenor
Nickname: —
Employer during Enewetak Atoll Atomic Cleanup Mission: Navy
Rank: E-3
Job Title: LCU & Maggie Boat Engineer
Unit: Assault Craft Unit 1
1st Enewetak Atoll TDY Tour: 9/1977 – 3/1978
2nd Enewetak Atoll TDY Tour: 8/1978 – 2/1980
Island Lived on at Enewetak Atoll: Lojwa
Islands Worked on at Enewetak Atoll: Enewetak, Lojwa, Runit, etc….
Description of Work Performed: 1st TDY Tour 9/1977 – 3/1978 Lojwa Animal on Mesh 2; 2nd TDY Tour 8/1979 – 2/1980 Enewetak on Blue Jay 2 and several Maggie Boats. Loved the time spent with my Fellow Animals at the Atoll than the rest of my time in the Navy. What a trip!
Health Challenges which may be related to Radiation Exposure: —
Comments about Health Challenges: —
Veterans Administration Health Assistance: —
Experiences with the Veterans Administration: —
Current Residence: Honolulu, Hawaii
Contributions towards accomplishing Our Current Mission:
- Atomic Cleanup Veterans – Facebook Page Fan
- Enewetak Atoll Clean-up Project Vets. – Facebook Group Member
- Military & Dependent Environmental Hazard Group – Facebook Group Member
- National Association of Atomic Veterans – Facebook Group Member
Enewetak Atoll Photos:
Our main focus is to help each other with information and moral support during challenging times.
Do you know Carl Fleenor? Do you know an Atomic Cleanup Veteran? Are you an Atomic Cleanup Veteran? Are you willing to help us accomplish our mission? Share your comments below!