Norman Sova


Norman Sova

Nickname:  The Kid

Employer during Enewetak Atoll Atomic Cleanup Mission:  Army

Rank:  E-4 Spec-4

Job Title: 12B10 Combat Engineer

Unit: 84th Engineer Battalion

Enewetak Atoll TDY Tour:  11/20/1978 – 5/22/1979

Island Lived on at Enewetak Atoll:  Lojwa

Islands Worked on at Enewetak Atoll:  Janet and Runit

Description of Work Performed:  I drilled holes in the coral to blow it up to make concrete.

Health Challenges which may be related to Radiation Exposure:  No

Comments about Health Challenges: —

Veterans Administration Health Assistance: No assistance currently needed.

Experiences with the Veterans Administration:  —

Current Residence: Baltimore, Maryland

Contributions towards accomplishing Our Current Mission:

Enewetak Atoll Photos:

  •  Norman-Sova-02 Norman-Sova-04Norman-Sova-01 Norman-Sova-05 Norman-Sova-06

Our main focus is to help each other with information and moral support during challenging times.

Our secondary focus is to urge Congress to change the current laws and recognize soldiers of the atomic cleanup mission as “veterans who participated in radiation-risk activities during active service.”

Do you know Norman Sova? Do you know an Atomic Cleanup Veteran? Are you an Atomic Cleanup Veteran? Are you willing to help us accomplish our mission? Share your comments below!

2 thoughts on “Norman Sova”

  1. I was in the 82nd Airborne and served time in Enewetak Atoll in 1978, my name is John Thomson (JT) . I knew a guy named Norman Sova “Stormin Norman” while in the 82nd. I went to Enewetak with Armando Guerrero and when we came back we were short timers.

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