Photo courtesy of Carrie Diem Keith Kiefer
Our Speakers Bureau Members are Veterans of the 1977 – 1980 Enewetak Atoll Atomic Cleanup Mission
Many organizations are continuously looking for guests to speak at their monthly meetings and annual events.
Most of those organizations support worthwhile causes.
Our Speakers Bureau is one resource organizations can call upon to invite Atomic Cleanup Veterans to speak at their organizations’ civic events and monthly meetings.
Atomic Cleanup Veterans were awarded the Humanitarian Medal in 1980 after the United States Government declared the 1977 – 1980 Enewetak Atoll Atomic Cleanup Mission a success.
This military classified mission involved relocating and entombing radioactive fallout and debris from 43 atomic bombs tested during the Cold War. These 43 tests were the equivalent of almost 3000 Hiroshima size atomic bombs.
In 1977 the U.S. government ordered Army, Navy and Air Force Servicemen to perform the cleanup mission. Most of our work was performed without any radiation protection. It was typical for our men to be carrying radioactive debris on their bare shoulders and to be covered head to toe with dust before showering at the end of the day.
During our mission, we were not aware we would be classified as receiving only an “occupational” exposure to radiation. We were not aware that when most of the radiation badges failed, we were documented to have received a 0.000 (admin) radiation exposure dosage. We were not aware the U.S. Surgeon General’s radiation exposure calculations would be discarded by the Defense Nuclear Agency and replaced with questionable administrative radiation exposure calculations. We were not aware when we started having health challenges, the Veterans Administration would only be able to help us as occupationally radiated veterans.
We learned much of this information (and more) after the President lifted the veil of secrecy in 1996. Many classified documents were de-classified and put on the internet for public viewing. For us, the research has been a very time-consuming and exhausting education to say the least.
Several Atomic Cleanup Veterans have been talking with their federal legislators in an effort to change the law that prohibits the Veterans Administration from providing us the same medical care available to Atomic Test Era Veterans.
When passed into law, HR632 and S283 Mark Takai’s Atomic Veterans Healthcare Parity Act will add Atomic Cleanup Veterans to the list of Service Members who were involved in radiation risk activities while actively serving in our nation’s armed services.
In addition, The National office of the American Legion recently passed resolution 130, which calls for Congress to eliminate the radiation dose estimate requirement in VA Claims for Atomic Cleanup Veterans. We are hoping Congress will write the bill and take action soon. It is irresponsible to believe relocating radiation fallout from 43 atomic bomb tests at Enewetak Atoll (the equivalent of 2820 Hiroshima sized bombs) was not a radiation risk activity.
We need your organization to help us spread the word so more Patriotic US Citizens like yourself can help us get the VA healthcare Atomic Cleanup Veterans need. You can help us by inviting one of our members to speak at your next meeting or event.
Our Speakers Bureau Members are looking forward to speaking at your organization’s meetings and special events in the following locations:
- Alabama
- Girard Frank Bolton, III. (S Alabama)
- Arizona
- Robert Eugene David Jr.
- Colorado
- Robert Eugene David Jr.
- District of Columbia
- Michael Horten
- Florida
- Girard Frank Bolton, III. (NW Florida)
- Harry B. Daniel II
- Ken L. Soule (Wellington)
- Georgia
- Harry B. Daniel II
- Terry Hamrick
- Idaho
- Robert StrongBear Bates (Southern Idaho)
- Jeff A. Fortin
- Illinois
- Terry Alan Holbrook (Rockford Illinois Area)
- Indiana
- Gary Chester Pulis (NE Indiana)
- Iowa
- Milton James Smith
- Kansas
- Mark R. Bradbury (Wichita)
- Maine
- Robert Emmett Foley (Portland)
- David Bryan Roach
- Maryland
- Michael Horten
- Mississippi
- Girard Frank Bolton, III. (S Mississippi)
- Montana
- Rodney Keith Ingerson
- New Hampshire
- Gregory Charles Fregoe
- New Mexico
- Robert Eugene David Jr.
- New York
- Ken A. Brownell (Albany NY)
- Gregory Charles Fregoe (NE New York)
- Richard Matthew Prazych
- North Carolina
- Terry Hamrick
- Michael Horten
- John Craig Wills (Charlotte, Durham, Raliegh, Salem, Winston NC)
- Ohio
- Gary Chester Pulis (NW Indiana)
- Bernard Alfred Stearos (Columbus, Dayton, Lancaster, & Portsmouth)
- Pennsylvania
- Gregory Charles Fregoe
- Richard Matthew Prazych (Philadelphia & Pittsburgh PA)
- South Carolina
- Harry B. Daniel II
- Terry Hamrick
- Tennessee
- Leslie M. Johnson (Memphis)
- Texas
- Vincent Paul Lewis (DeSoto)
- Arland AJ Metzger (Spring)
- Gilberto Cantu (Mcallen)
- Utah
- Robert StrongBear Bates
- Steven Alan Welch (West Jordan)
- Virginia
- Michael Horten
- Washington
- Jeff A. Fortin
- Timothy Jay Snider (East Washington)
- Wisconsin
- John J Baenen
- Wyoming
- Robert StrongBear Bates (Western Wyoming)
- United States National & International Events
- John J Baenen
- Robert StrongBear Bates
- Girard Frank Bolton, III.
- Mark R. Bradbury
- Ken A. Brownell
- Harry B. Daniel II
- Robert Eugene David Jr.
- Robert Emmett Foley
- Jeff A. Fortin
- Gregory Charles Fregoe
- Terry Hamrick
- Terry Alan Holbrook
- Michael Horten
- Rodney Keith Ingerson
- Richard Matthew Prazych
- Gary Chester Pulis
- Timothy Jay Snider
- John Craig Wills
We do not charge any fees for speaking locally. However, some of our Speakers are available to travel to your Organization’s National and International Events for a fee.
When you are ready to request an Atomic Cleanup Veteran to speak at your Organization’s Event, simply fill out the request form to get started. Thank You!
We urge our supporters to encourage their politicians to co-sponsor and support legislation which will include all Marshall Island Atomic Cleanup Veterans in the U.S. Government Veterans Administration’s definition of a veteran “who participated in radiation-risk activities during active service.”
Article written by Girard Frank Bolton, III. 1977-1979 participant with C Company and HHC S-3 (Operations) 84th Engineer Battalion (Combat Heavy) (Fwd) Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands.